Welcome! I am an Assistant Professor at Texas A&M’s Bush School of Government and Public Service and Executive Director of the Lab for Economic Development Research (LEDR). My substantive research focuses on the political economy of development, with an emphasis on corruption, foreign aid, and natural resources. I also have a separate methodological research agenda that centers on external validity. My work appears in the Annual Review of Political Science and Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Outside of academia, I have worked and/or consulted for the US State Department, the European Commission, the World Bank, USAID, and Inter-American Development Bank. Most of my recent work with these institutions concerns governance, anti-corruption, and natural resources.
Ph.D., University of Texas at
Austin (2022)
Dual M.A.,
Georgetown University/Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina
M.Sc., Maastricht
University, Graduate School of Governance, Netherlands (2008)
B.A., University of Denver (2006)
Study Abroad: Université de
Lausanne, Switzerland and Università di Bologna, Italy (2005)